Story : Jack and beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack Jack lived in a cottage with his mother they were very poor and they had a cow one day Jack’s mother asked him to take the cow to market to sale on the way Jack mate a man who gave him some magic beans in written for the cow when Jack in home with the beans his mother was angry with you the beans out of the window and send him to bed the next morning gaint beanstalk had grown in the garden Jack climbed the very tall beanstalk when Jack finally reached the top he saw an enormous castle. Jack went inside suddenly Jack Heard a loud noise and kid a huge gent came into the room with a hen and a golden harp’fee’fl, fo, fum I smell the blood of an English man he shouted the giant shutdown at the table layl said The giant and the hen laid an egg and single set the giant the herb song and the giant felt are sleep Jack jump out of the cupboard and took the hen and the herb as he run the herb shouted the giant woke up and chased Jack Jack climb down the beanstalk and the giant followed him as Jack go to the bottom of the beanstalk he shouted for help Jack mother came out with an axe. She used it to chop the bottom of the bean talk the giant fell and crashed to the ground he was never seen again with the Golden Eggs and the Magic heart Jack and his mother lived happily ever after..