Story :the frog and the mouse

Once upon a time a mouse and a frog were close friends The Frog often visited the mouse at his home and they both shared the food and provisions the mouse had stocked in abundance one day the frog invited the mouse to his house the poor Mouse did not now how to swim The Frog told him that he would make the mouse sit on his back the mouse immediately agreed Halfway across the steam The Frog started to get weaked thoughts of eating the mouse show the weaked frog dive for the bottom of the the stream. The mouse releasing to late the betrayal of the frog started to cry for help a Hawk flying about the stream saw the scene and swooped down upon the mouse the hook picked him up with its beak and started to fly high into the sky The Frog tied to the mouse was also taken away the frog realized his mistake in his greed to get more food he had not only his Good friend but also put his own life into danger