Story : Pinocchio

Once upon a time a woodcutter found a big lump of wood good for making a table but when he cut it heard a cry Aah! Aah! The sound came from the wood The Woodcutter was very frightened immediately he gave away the wood to a cobbler made a puppet out of it at night a very appeared in front of the Cobbler and said you have a nice puppet here I will make it nicer by giving it a life and so the puppet turned into a real boy the cobbler was so happy he named The boy Pinocchiwas the very naughty boy he always disturbed his father in his work the cobbler used to shout at him you naughty boy one day I will box your ears but the cobbler loved little Pinocchio very much one day Pinocchio Suddenly went out of his house and did not come for two days. His father was very worried. He missed Pinocchio very much.